Doc Martin
If you like this show, I created it. If you don’t, it wasn’t me, guv.
I worked on the first two series of Doc Martin for Buffalo Pictures and ITV. It was and remains a smash hit. I’m so pleased to see that the show thrives now in my absence. It’s in its sixth year and plays around the world.
Also delightful is that it is being remade in foreign versions – German, Spanish and French.
Martin Clunes is just fantastic as the grumpy doc, and I hope he never tires of berating the good people of Portwenn.
UPDATE May 2013:
Doc Martin season 6 is shooting now. I don’t know ANYTHING about the stories, sorry! But THANK YOU for the wonderful messages from Doc fans around the world. It really is uplifting to hear your enthusiasm for the show.
PS – for a note on character names, including the Doc’s surname, see The Naming of Parts.
UPDATE May 2019:
Doc Martin Season 9 is now shooting. I loved this cartoon in the trade press, Broadcast Magazine, lampooning the idea of Doc Martin at an ITV theme-park:
UPDATE May 2022
Doc Martin’s final season is shooting now in Cornwall. What a run! Congratulations to all the team!
I want you back for the 6th series. You are terrific!
Thanks Molly.
Mr. Minghella,
I live in Washington, DC and work for C-SPAN (akin to your BBC Parliament Channel). Full disclosure, I am also a huge fan of “Doc Martin”. Recently SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) has been in the news. The act would make YouTube (and similar sights) libel for the content people post illegally on their sight. I’m curious, as a person this act affects, what do you think about limiting websites like YouTube from airing shows like “Doc Martin”?
I have to confess since I have been watching DM on Netflix and PBS here in the states I have also watched the latest series on YouTube. My personal feeling is, besides feeling a little guilty for watching online, YT is a great vehicle for bringing in fans to the show. My guess is “Doc Martin” has benefited from it being on YT. I would like your thoughts on this. Does this affect you? Who does it affect?
Thanks for your time,
Hi Molly,
I ought to have a well-developed line on this, but I don’t.
I suppose, like most people, I know in my heart it’s wrong to use youtube etc to view programming, but I find it a useful (if patchy) resource. And I like the democracy of it.
So it’s hard to moralise. On the other hand, I don’t think anybody can seriously argue that advertising and other revenues generated by displaying ill-gotten content are fairly earned. They should be shared among the content-owners. It can be done, eg with PRS and music; it can be done with video too.
I think there are other issues in the proposed legislation; I’m afraid I haven’t had time to look. Very lazy of me!
Thank you for responding Mr. Minghella,
I’m so glad you didn’t go off on me for watching series 5 online.
You are correct, there are other issues connected with SOPA.
I feel guilty. This is why I write you.
It would behoove Buffalo Productions to create a way for their fans to have access on an advertised site – to the latest series especially. I would prefer to support the creator, writers, players and technical folks for bringing me the BEST series I have ever watched through this way rather than “ill-gotten” or “pirated” method. This series has a HUGE, expanding fan base here in America and I think your fans would love to support “Doc Martin” directly but don’t hesitate to watch the pirated versions because we can – it’s not illegal.
Just so you know I intend on purchasing the entire series when it’s done. But in the meantime I’ll watch Netflix and PBS and get friends and family hooked on it as my contribution to supporting the program.
C-SPAN’s Washington Journal call in show discussed this issue last month when the topic was hot. Here is a link you might find helpful to educate yourself on the topic. The expert opposed the SOPA legislation.
Sen. Chris Dodd, (MPAA President) who is mentioned in this discussion will be on our Communicators program in the near future. If you would like to pose a question to him let me know and I will give it to the host.
By the way, I am friendly with Dodd’s assistant, she has purchase the series for her sister.
My wife and I love Doc Martin and in fact should probably start a local support group for other addicts such as ourselves. It’s a wonderful blend of comedy and drama and the characters are all so unaffected. It’s also very musical. I’m a composer and I see all these elements in the show that are so much like a musical composition; Doc having something (bird poop, ice cream, meat pies) on his face or body everytime he spoke to the “unctuous platitudinizing eunuch” (one of my favorite insults ever) was like a musical sequence; the repeated motives of the airbag, or the ruined suit that connects episodes together like songs in a cycle. Are you a musician?
Thanks, David
Mr Minghella,
Thanks so much for Doc Martin. I discovered it on Hulu last year and have seen all of it since. Your episodes are my favorites. “Erotomania” has the unforgettable Louisa line, “Martin, there are 20 things about you that are crap…. But if you were a stick of rock, you’d be Martin Ellingham all the way through”. The romance is very satisfying, and the Cornwall expressions and accents a delight to my American ears.
If it were up to me you (and Edana) would write series 6, with Ben Bolt directing. In any case, thanks again for your work.
Hi Molly,
Thanks for spreading the word about the show. Did the thing with the Senator happen already?
Either I have a musical sense of rhythm or, to put it another way, a limited repertoire of ideas! Thank you for choosing the kinder interpretation! How flattering!
How very kind. I’m really glad to hear that the accents travel – that is quite hard to call. Do you think an all-American version would work?
The door I entered the series through was the thought of observing a small town in a foreign (for me) country. The attention to detail in the production – that the surgery interior matches the exterior shots of the house in terms of surface aging; the detailed shots of the Portwenn streets; the harbor shots with the various boats and different tide levels – draw me into that world. I’m charmed by that place. It surely could just as well be small-town America. Combined with actors who bring such humanity to the characters, a production like that would succeed in any language. But I will always like the Cornwall Doc Martin.
The door I entered the series through was the thought of observing a small town in a foreign (for me) country. The attention to detail in the production – that the surgery interior matches the exterior shots of the house in terms of surface aging; the detailed shots of the Portwenn streets; the harbor shots with the various boats and different tide levels – draw me into that world. I’m charmed by that place. It surely could just as well be small-town America. Combined with actors who bring such humanity to the characters, a production like that would succeed in any language. But I will always like the Cornwall Doc Martin.
Yes, I’m afraid Buffalo Pix recently sold the Americans the rights to produce their own DM version as per a post on the DM forum. We Americans don’t want our version. The British version is just as good as it gets!! The Americans will never put together that fantastic cast, ours will all be Hollywood good looking!! You were right on the mark when you said in a You Tube spot that you felt DM and LG should never get married, my feeling also–it makes the show more intriguing as each series goes forward.
Ha! Well I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. A bit of me can’t wait. I love the idea of all these different versions.
I am a massive fan of Doc Martin. Great great show. thanks
Doc Martin appears to show signs of Asbergers Syndrome. Is this intentional or just the way the character developed? I am married to a man with Asbergers and watching the series together has been a great help to us both.
Hi Maureen,
It was deliberate. I seem to be surrounded by people with aspergic tendencies, and am probably not immune myself. It seemed particularly to suit the concept of Doc Martin: it’s almost as if he knows he has this issue and has deliberately put himself in a place where he will have to improve on his areas of weakness. Anyway, I’m so glad you and your husband are enjoying the show. And thanks for taking the time to write.
Best wishes
An 85-year-old man was requested by his Doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam.
The doctor gave the man a jar and said, ‘Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.’
The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor’s office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day.
The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, ‘Well, doc, it’s like this — first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.
‘Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing.
‘We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin’ it between her knees, but still nothing..’
The doctor was shocked!
‘You asked your neighbour?’
The old man replied,
‘Yep, none of us could get the jar open.’
Hi Dominic:
I so love Doc Martin, I watch the entire series over and over. I feel the scenery is as much a draw to the show as the characters. An American version would not be as good in my opinion. Hollywood always mucks their shows up and they are quite boring. Life looks a lot simplier in Portwenn, and makes me want to move there. The show offers quite a deversion from everyday life here in the states. Thanks for all of your creativity in putting this show together. Wish you were still involved. Loved the English Patient from Anthony. What a talented family!
Kind words – thanks.
Not yet.
Didn’t realize your web site is SO OPEN. I will let you know when it has been scheduled. Sorry for not getting back to you before now. I gave up DM for Lent. You got thrown in with it. : ) – just saw this response.
Hi Dominic,
I have chronic pain, and ever since I discovered, “Doc Martin” on Netflix last summer, it has been a wonderful escape for me. Watching “Doc Martin” makes me happy and that helps me forget about my pain for awhile. So, I just wanted to say thank-you for creating the quirky, funny, different and Best tv series ever!
I miss Auntie Joan ~ Stephanie Cole made this character so alive and real. Kudos to the rest of the cast and crew.
Hi Dominic, The series is wonderful & addictive. Your script was by the far best. Will you be contributing any more in future series?
thank you Marie.. I wrote much of the first two series but left the show after that, and though I’d never say never, I don’t think I’ll be doing more. So glad you’ve enjoyed the show.
we love this show and have seen it often and enjoy the series. My wife Leela has some thoughts… wonder we can send you a personal email on that subject.
Sure. I’ll send you an email. But remember the show is now in the hands of others, and has been for years.
My husband and I love Doc Martin. We are addicted to it. All the issues of DM and Louisa are so relative to today’s audience. And Ruth, the new character is fabulous. I do hope there will be a Series 6.
My husband and I love DB. We enjoy watching it, each episode, over and over, and catch something new each time we watch it. The issues between DB and Louisa are to timely and relavant to today’s audience.
The writing for seasons 5 and 6 are not the hilarious, character rich creations of previous series. My children are both in medical school . Usually critical of medical theatrics, their laughter was heartfelt and frequent. The three of us have marveled at the skill with which you and your sister have regaled millions of viewers. Please consider returning to Doc Martin. (Could you tell Martin Clunes that he is overdoing the grumpy thing? Right now he’s coming across as a totally narcissistic , cold lout. In previous series he had an appeal that is now completely missing.) Thank you, Robin F.
Thanks for your praise. Regarding talking to Martin, I can’t interfere from the sidelines, but if the opportunity should arise to discuss this, I will remember your point. Many thanks.
Dominic Minghella on june 2012.said :
I am Delia from Argentina. I love England, his writers,philosofers,artists,and common people.I believe I was there in other life.
Thanks for your skill to write this wonderful serie, the lovely place , the characters, makes me want to move there.
I must to thanks a diagnosis that Dr Martin gives to a waiter in a restaurant and follow him to say that he had
polimialgia reumatic , and it was danger for his eyes .I was suffering the same symptons ,so I realize that I feel that , so I went to my doctor to know that it was correct. Now I have the treatment .Thanks to you and Dr Martin. Please go on with Dr Martin. I miss Aunty Joan, I want to see the baby’ Martin grow old.Thank you very much.Delia Gabrielli.
I just got back from a visit to Port Isaac and it is even more lovely than I expected. Thank you for this brilliant show to which I am addicted.
Hi Dominic, I am a huge fan of Doc Martin, and have had a great idea, I’m sure you have thought of this too, but how about doing a series about Doc Martin when he was a student doctor and his life with his parents and how he reached the top of his profession, then the story of how he ended up in Port When, what do you think?
Good thinking. Did you see the young Inspector Morse recently?
As someone who is married to a man with Asperger’s Syndrome, I can truly appreciate Louisa’s having to get away from the situation. I can relate to her feelings and the realization that her life with Martin is never going to get any better if she stays with him. (I have only seen episodes up to her leaving Martin and taking James Henry to her mother’s, so I don’t know about their relationship after that point.) Louisa obviously isn’t aware of Martin’s having AS, for she truly believes he can change his behavior if he wants to do so. For those with AS, it’s not that simple. They haven’t a clue that their behavior is hurtful to another human being unless someone explains it to them. It’s a long road to change when they can’t even comprehend the reason for it. To them, their behavior is quite normal.
I enjoy the Doc Martin series tremendously and look forward to it every week. Thank you for some comic relief in dealing with a very serious condition–Asperger’s.
Sono veramente contenta di scoprire che il creatore di Robin Hood – mentirei se dicessi che mi interessa Robin, ma Gisborne e lo sceriffo sono da urlo (per motivi diversi, of course 😉 – e di Doc Martin pubblica foto della mia regione preferita: l’Umbria. Per amore di Doc Martin abbiamo fatto una deviazione dal nostro giro inglese il mese scorso per visitare Portwenn, e il risultato è stato (contaminazione?) la foto di Little Guy con lo sfondo dello studio del dottore 🙂
Ah, se non ci fosse la British TV, come farei? Evviva Internet! E grazie per tante ore di piacevole entertainment!
Mamma_T, also grande fan del mai dimenticato Anthony
Grazie! Ma c’e sempre Montalbano, no?
Montalbano CHI? ;-P
Scherzo, Zingaretti è molto bravo, ma la serie ormai è… stanca. Beh, anche Doc Martin ormai ha perso un po’ di smalto: avrebbe bisogno della mano del maestro! Chi glielo dice?
Buona estate!
This is the nub of it: it’s so hard for us to understand why intelligent people can’t change their behaviour. It makes us so mad.
Was Aspberger’s Doc Martin’s diagnosis, or was it sort of left for the audience to conjecture? If so, why was it left that way?
Good question. If I recall correctly, it was left for the audience to decide. I think I didn’t want the initial response to the show (and character) to be a response to a “condition” – I wanted it to be a response to a character, a person, first. Also I prefer the ambiguity; the character is based on a number of real people I know (and love) and it seems to me that in real life there is rarely the clarity of diagnosis.
I recently attended a “summer camp” for adults trying to shed a few pounds and develop a “healthy ” life- style. It was not a chic and elegant spa. The weight loss was achieved by hiking and spartan meals. If you are ever at a loss for a new series, “The New Life Hiking Spa” would provide you with a never- ending list of characters and stories. I have never been so entertained , not even when my step- cousin confessed to being a madam. A beautiful gypsy looking for a mark, a couple who had lost their children, woman with terminal breast cancer, a Jewish liberal employed as a Wall Street banker… I had to relay this idea to you as I would really enjoy seeing your work again.
Hi Dominic,
Congratulations on creating such an engagingly wonderful (and long-running) drama. Thank you for all the laughs. I read that a sixth and (what sounds like) final season of Doc Martin is scheduled to be filmed next year. I assume that the writers will want to finish on the happy concluding note of marriage between Louisa and Martin. I think that the bridge between two so disparate characters could only be realistically crossed with the help of a third-party. My suggestion would be to introduce a character that is a poet – someone who dissects life to understand it (like a surgeon, like Martin), but then uses that understanding for Romantic ends (like Louisa). Most poets know enough about the Freudian theories of childhood psychosexual development issues to be able to recognise them in adults. It could bring the aesthetic and the instrumental elements of the characterisations into a concluding harmony – without being soppy about it!
If you think this thought is appropriate please feel free to use it. All the best, Andy
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, Andrew. I like your analysis! It’s not for me to decide, alas, as I left the show at the end of Season 2, so what happens next is in the capable hands of Buffalo Pictures and the writing team.
OMG. My husband and adult grandson were searching NetFlix for something that would be equally interesting to them considering the 40-year gap in age. The introduction to the series caught their attention, and I’m eternally greatful, and they watched a couple of the season 1 episodes and well, the rest is history. We greedily watched the episodes 3 and 4 at a time. We were so disappointed when we got to the end of season 4 that we were forced to search on line to see if a season 5 was forthcoming. It was and we were so excited. Then, miraculously season 5 appeared on NetFlix and we just gobbled them down. Once again, returning to the internet, we see that we will now anxiously await season 6. I shared my enthusiasm with co-workers and found that the series is regularly on PBS. YEAH! You are brilliant! The show is brilliant and a bunch more adjectives. t is rare that three generations can equally enjoy and await the next episode of anything that is so interesting, engaging, funny, heart warming, with characters so well developed. Our grandson surfed and found Doc Martin the movie and it was fun to see Martin Clunes with a lighter heart and a more relaxed look. God forbid he was anything like his stiff, arrogant, grumpy character in real life. Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore! You are GENIUS! Thank you for so many hours of absolute entertainment!
Ah yes, of course. I notice that your name is still in the credits though – I hope you’re still seeing royalties! All the best, Andy
I think Doc Martin is great–not only because of Martin Clunes but also because of Caroline Catz. (And, of course, foremost, for the wonderful quirky story.) How MC was chosen is obvious, it is his production company. But I am curious how Caroline Catz got chosen for the role of Louisa Glasson. Most of her previous roles were those of a policeman (plus an occasional role as a murder victim), not exactly the prototype for the kind of person that LG is supposed to be. Did Buffalo Pictures seek her out as their first choice? Was she just one of several auditioned for the role? In the latter case, did BP contact her, or did her agent contact BP?
I think she has added immeasurably to the program–indeed I suspect it altered its course. I have read that you had not initially envisioned a serious romance and the first couple of seasons seem to confirm that (I recall one episode where LG was on screen for only a minute or two). But it has veered heavily into the rocky relationship of DM and LG, and I think that is due almost entirely because of Caroline Catz. (I am not complaining, having become a great fan of her, and could not imagine the program without her.)
At any rate, my only questions are how she came to be cast on the program.
Hi Paul
Thanks for your question(s). I love Caroline too, and just to be clear I always wanted the relationship between Martin and Louisa to be the heart of the show. The debate then becomes about how you keep the tension going and keep the audience interested. Any comments you may have seen from me would probably have been me saying Martin and Louisa should NEVER get together! By which I mean of course that the relationship should never be too easy.
As for casting, it was SO long ago I doubt if even Caroline herself can remember! We’re talking 2003. As you evidently know, sometimes an agent will put someone forward to the casting director, or sometimes an actor will be specifically checked for availability and then auditioned, or sometimes the participants will have worked together before and so the casting process is organic. In the case of Doc Martin I had no producing role and I was busy writing Series 1, so I just don’t know how we got Caroline. But she’s perfect, isn’t she? I really believe her in the role.
Trivia: she’s called Louisa after my first daughter, and Glasson after some great friends of ours, two strong, gorgeous, independent-minded sisters who could both be mistaken for LG.
Well, reading these posts and your answers explains to me why I liked the first two seasons best — they were your creations. Yes, you may and should feel flattered. The subtlety and leitmotivic echoes of key themes all across any given episode during those seasons raised the achievement of those films to the level of genuine art.
The later seasons are entertaining enough — season 5 quite certainly the weakest — but can be more properly characterized as “just” TV. The Martin character is less subtle and nuanced, and the lead actor seems at times to be simply doing his Doc Martin number almost as a routine — como se dice “schtick” in italiano? I wish the initial level of creativity could have been maintained all the way across, but I guess perfection is not of this world.
Also — and I know this is not your doing — the disappearance in season 5 of the aunt and the receptionist gave a feeling of flatness to the human landscape.
Best of luck to you in whatever enterprise may be yours.
I totally agree with Joel: the first two series were more nuanced, calling on more of a dynamic range from the Doc. We just staged an international conference call of DocMartin fans last week and among the topics was What Went Wrong with Series 5? IMO, they’ve taken the grumpy Doc too far. He has now become the angry/resentful/trapped Doc. He either lashes out or becomes the pent-up victim; not attractive alternatives on which to base an entire series. IMO Martin Clunes acted that series with one emotional hand behind his back, severely limiting his full range of emotions. What a joyless series! And where was the romance – even an occasional touch or look? I am hoping the producers, the writers, and the actors realize they need to course correct for Series 6 and open up the range of possibilities again – so the characters and the actors can play the entire keyboard, not just half of it. I love the show – as I said, I just convened a call with fans from around the world – but I can’t help but wish you could come back to breathe life, vitality, some surprises – and a sense of hope, rather than resignation – back into our favorite characters!
Wow – an international conference call? That sounds serious.
I have hardly seen Series 5, so I can’t comment, but if there are flaws I blame myself for creating “series architecture” which has boxed the writers and producers in.
Whether or not that obliges me to heed your hugely flattering call to return, I fear it has just been too long. I do know that Martin and the team take their work, and the show, incredibly seriously, so let’s hope they pull out the full dynamic range of stops for the forthcoming series.
Best wishes for 2013.
Joel – thank you so much. It’s this kind of appreciation that keeps me going. Really.
Very best,
Thanks much for acknowledging my rant! Re: the international call, it was mostly lots of fun with some smart and funny Doc Martin-philes who converse on a UK internet forum focused on the show.
I know it’s not your program anymore, although many afficianados wish it were! You say to blame you for the series architecture. May I ask if you planned the baby back in series 1 and 2? And did you decide that the Doc would get increasingly irascible as time went on?
I must say there is something in your Doc Martin writing which was later mimiced, but it’s never been quite the same. It has to do with rhythm and counterpoint, how things build and ebb even in the silences. At its best, I feel like we’ve been on a journey where the story is advanced, the characters move forward, and, as a viewer, I feel confident I’ve placed myself in good hands.
Oh, and one more BIG question (you can’t believe how much fans wonder about this!): what’s with the Buddha? It’s prominent, it moves, it proliferates with other “satellite” Buddhas scattered around the Doc’s house from time to time. What, if anything, does it mean?
Dear Mr. Minghella, First , thank you so very much for the hours of happiness you have given me watching Doc Martin. My husband jokes that I was born in the wrong country. Indeed, one of our favorite places to visit is Mousehole.
I was wondering where I would send an idea for a plot since you are no longer involved. I think they should have an episode take place during a “super moon” (remember that full moon last year that was 14% bigger than
normal ?). The sea and all of Portwenn would be bathed in a moonlit glow in which all kinds of strange things could happen. I have an idea for opening and closing scenes as well.
Should I just send my idea to Buffalo Pictures? I hope I’m wrong and they’ve enticed you back to write some
episodes for Season 6. DON”T let them do an American version-it could never match what you’ve created.
Thanks for any advice you have, Barbara
Mousehole’s great. Thanks for your lovely comments, and the “super moon” sounds intriguing. Yes, you should send to Buffalo Pictures – you never know, it might just strike a chord.
Hi, Dominic
I understand you are hard at work on your Puccini project. VERY exciting and best of luck on it!
For a series like Doc Martin, what kind of writing “structure” works best? Head writer charting the architecture and guiding a team of writers, individual writers for each character a la Frasier, or no head writer, but a different writer or writer for each episode? There have to be special challenges, too, for a series that’s only produced every two years!
Hi Dominic,
I have tweeted with you on twitter. @heylindag. My question for you is in the US the creator of the show usually gets a producing credit and becomes a producer once they stop writing the show. they are still involved in the show or sometimes not but still get a producers credit. From the past post that I have read, it sounds like after the 2nd series you were not part of the writing and creative aspects of Doc Martin. In the UK there are only 1 or 2 producers where as in the US there can be up to 15. What is the biggest difference in producing a show in the US verses the UK? I quite like the way things are done in the UK. Its seams more simpler. However, I think that as a creator of a show you should get a producers credit for your starting it all off! just my thought. I enjoy your work.
you can IMBD me if you like Linda Gacsko. If you’d rather email me back without posting something, that is fine as well. Best to you and your family. LindaG
I too was married to a GP with AS – I had to leave after 10 years – my heart aches and aches as I watch Louisa’s confusion, frustration, times of ‘insanity’ and at times ‘longing’ for him to say the things she needs him to say. I will come to the UK one day and meet her – her role is faultless and she carries the flag for all neurotypical women in relationship with men who have AS. I hope that she grows old in the role and never leaves – she is my validation.
I’m so glad the characters speak to you; that makes the effort worthwhile – you are MY validation.
I am a huge fan of DM – thank you for creating this wonderful show!! Is there any chance to get in contact with Buffalo Pictures respectively Mr. Clunes/Mrs. Braithwaite to ask a question relating to the production this summer? I’ve searched the whole internet for a way to get in contact… Your website is the nearest I could get so far – and I love reading all the interesting comments from fans all over. Sadly, they don’t air DM in Germany, so I bought all the DVD’s. I think, our own German version is by far not as good as your original (and they only produced series 1 & 2 because of falling viewing rates). So, if there’s any chance to write the two gorgeous people I mentioned above, I would be pleased to get any hints from you! It would mean ‘something’ to me.
Thanks for your kind words and for buying the DVDs! What I saw of the German production seemed really good, and VERY similar to the British version, so I’m surprised that you prefer the English one. Anyhow, I can’t give out Buffalo’s details but I do know that their public address is
Address: 1 Lyric Square
Postcode:W6 0NB
Give ’em a try!
Dear Mr. Minghella,
Your writing, creating the “architecture” for Doc Martin, moves and inspires me. Viewers feel Martin and Louisa’s relationship deeply. Congratulations on the beautiful work. I just can’t get their dialogue and situations off my mind. I am a novelist. My current work involves romance, so in a way, you have screwed me up. I’ll get over it and be the better for having immersed myself in your work.
To that end, I have published a children’s story in “American Girl” magazine and would like to send it to Caroline Catz for her children. Would you by any chance be willing to email me contact information for her agent or publicist?
The title of my story is “Soft Horse Eyes.”. It has been well received by children and grown-ups, according to “American Girl.”. I would love to send you a copy as well, if you are interested.
Thank you for this consideration.
May you be we’ll.
Charles Burdge
Dear Charles,
Thank you for your very kind words. They are much appreciated, especially as they come from a fellow writer. I’m sorry to have screwed you up and very much hope that that is only a temporary phase! Congratulations on the success of your story. By all means send me a copy and I will have a read. I’m pretty sure Caroline Catz is with United Agents in Lexington Street, London.
All best
I most appreciate the Doc Martin series for the excellent writing, acting, setting and compelling story line. The tension between Martin and Louisa, whether caused by themselves, or by the Fates conspiring against them, is a modern retelling of every love-lorn set of couples. Haven’t we all stared across a room and been frozen from action by our own insecurities? Martin and Louisa are like each of us at various times in our lives; so we are vicariously living in Portwenn with them. While each has their own endearing qualities they too have emotions and behaviors that can get in the way of ‘getting on’ much as in the real world.
So why does Doc Martin work? Hm… Real characterizations, strengths and faults, like us all. So maybe there is a little of Martin and Louisa in all of us? It is a a fairy tale at times, but it’s not all fluff or soapy stuff – for we are so drawn into the story and so we care about them. That is why it ‘works!’
All this of course set against the beautiful backdrop of Port Isaac and Cornwall, making me want to visit there some day and of course to think ‘on this spot Doc or Louisa did such and such.’
Bravo to the producers, cast, crew and you Mr. Minghella, for capturing our hearts so charmingly with this brilliant drama/comedy/romance! And thanks as well for the chat on 23 Feb!
Thank you so very much, Mr. Minghella.
I will certainly mail my little story out to you tomorrow with great pleasure. Thank for your interest.
I could email it to you idirectly if that would be better for you.
Much obliged,
Charles Burdge
Hi – I’m new to the wonderful show you created – Doc Martin. This is the best thing the English have given us since the Beatles! We’re nearing the end of season 4 with season 5 following right away, I hope. So we are a little behnd. I’ve been wondering why Martin and Louisa keep so much physical distance when they kiss, with the exception of a few caresses on the cheek and the kiss under the tree. Most lovers embrace frequently. I know this love affair is like no other, but it seems pretty noticable. Also, please use your influence to get more of your shows to our PBS stations. You are so talented. Thank you for this gem.
Have been a crazy fan of DM ever since viewing same on Netflex—what a smashing show—your writing in the first two seasons was outstanding—Some time ago Martin Clunes said that the show was difficult to write —-did you find it difficult ?—to say that you are an “island of mediocrity in a sea of shimmering sibling talent” is absolute rubbish—the DM show is you—If you wish I will start a grass roots write in to the powers that be to have you reconnected with the show—-let me know and I will carry the banner
Bob that’s really kind of you. I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the show. I adore the idea of a grassroots write-in – but it was my decision to move on!
Yes I found it difficult to write. It is easier to write more robust, darker plots. It is hard to sustain a lighter-touch story over a one-hour slot without turning to heavier plots, or veering off into daft comedy. That balance is tough, and I don’t envy the production team having to wrestle with it year after year!
All best and many thanks. Make me a banner anyway!
Thank you so much for your reply to my comment of March 20th regarding DM—about seventy years ago a band leader and novelty songster named Tony Pastor (Anthony Pestritto) recorded a song “Robin Hood”—I know that many songs have been written him but I felt that this one was rather novel and if interested should be in your quiver—The song was done in a cool jazzy rendition and rather unique for the times—Some of the lyrics are as follows “Many long years ago a fellow named Robin Hood stole from the rich he did most every time he could he was honored and respected and on the square with his trusty bow and arrow he could part your hair—a refrain is “He stole from the rich man and gave it to the poor man had a fear of no one except for his Chic whose name was Maryanne”–I am recalling these lyrics from the recesses of my mind so they may be off some what–If interested you may find the whole song on Itunes—enjoy—Bob Scribner
Song Robin Hood may be found on the net at ‘ big band library.com”
Caroline Catz (brilliant actress) stated in an interview that the scripts she received while working on DM were great not only in content but for the space above the lines which permitted improvisation–Do you allow for improvisation in your Robin Hood scripts or do you request the Artist to read exactly as written ? or is it the Director decision ?—I love the show either way—-Bob Scribner
I like many other Americans have fallen in LOVE with the Doc Martin series. It is so well done. Everything is first rate! The scenery, the music score, the the writing, the actors. Season 1 was amazing. I loved the episode Of All The Harbors In All The Towns, was wonderful, very poignant. Hemophobia was fabulous! The Family Way …The speech Martin’s mother gives and Martins face just stopped me in my tracks. It was heartbreaking. When Martin tells his father that Joan does not have to thank him or pay him back because she is family and his father tells Martin that he is living in a novel. It is priceless. Erotomania is a gem! The Kiss! The morning after with Martin sleeping with the dog and his hangover and finally telling Louisa she is delusional is the cherry on top. I thought series 3 was lovely, season 4 was joyless and season 5 was fine. I feel season 5 was quite realistic with their relationship, it was a huge change for both of them having a child and also trying to make life together is not going to magically happen. The introduction of Louisa’s mother and their relationship just showed that both of them did not have good role models to learn from. I feel the show is so well received because it does not resort to harsh language or gratuitous violence like so many shows on television. It is refreshing and such a release from the everyday reality of t he economy and the wars other issues of the day. I use call it my therapy. If you do a search on you tube for Doc Martin, Martin andLouisa, there are hundreds of videos devoted to the series. A lot of them are set to beautiful songs. Thank you Mr. Minghella for creating this series!
Any chance you might get Katherine Parkinson back as Pauline for season 6?
Can’t think how you ever let her go. She’s extraordinary ~ talented, warm, sexy, gorgeous,
funny, authentic, etc. PERFECT foil for the doc!!
I do miss her lots!
Dominic, you’re a genius!!! i have a unique perspective in life, was with the cappuccino friars for twenty years, then left, married and raised six kids, traded “Father with a hood” for real old-fashioned, wild, crazy, noisy fatherhood, but have stuck with my Catholic Church through it all…despite all the dysfunctions. i’ve written a book called “squeaky kneeler.” YOU have given me my best answer to WHY i have stayed with this motley
community. When asked, i say – and i have written in my book (hope that is ok with you), The answer to why
I stay with my Catholic Church is the same reason I keep watching “Doc Martin”, the British TV show created by Dominic Minghella. The Doc – and just about everybody in his beautiful little village, are so, so, so, so, (you can’t
say enough so’s) pathetically, perfectly, beautifully dysfunctional (sometimes downright sickening), but I just cannot resist or stop watching episode after episode. I even want to watch them over and over and over, like some mental case!! LOL! Doc is like so many priests I know,utter geniuses in their field of theology, yet with hardly a clue as to how to love. So sadly pathetic!! Maybe they were just like poor poor Martin, never loved or able to learn how. There were glimpses, as in Auntie Joans, but too few and far between! Oh, they, like he, have been able to do such amazing things, absolute supermen, saving so many souls, ready to give themselves totally to a person on the verge of death…but a moment later showing such selfishness, such stupidity, such rottenness that it makes us scream, WHY AM I COMING BACK TO THIS MAN?
They tell us the percentage of functional persons in the world is small, and growing minute. Ten years ago it was at 7%, now it’s 4 or 5%. In Portwenn it’s even less. In fact, I only know of two healthy persons, Louisa and Auntie Joan, and with Joanie gone that leaves Louisa. One God Left. And we keep coming back – at least I do, because of Joan and Louisa who knew, and know, that there is still something good, something wonderful in each and every one, something lovable underneath it all. That is my Church – rightly so, made up of humans.
Oh, they are supposed to know better, be better, do better, but we are all so very broken and beaten and battered, there should be no surprises as to what we might do…as long as we are ready for MERCY, ready to
make a LIFE out of APOLOGY and FORGIVENESS. In the end what matters most in life is a good hearty sense of humor, of not taking ourselves too seriously. We’re all in trouble, but those are the ones in the worst trouble of all, eh, Doc? Strange as it is to say, the ability to LAUGH will be our salvation. Thank you, Dominic, for your wonderful SPIRITUAL direction
Thanks Michael, but are you saying my characters are dysfunctional? How dare you?
Just kidding – thanks so much for your appreciation. (“Only say those words and I shall be thrilled.”)
Ha, ha! i’m the THRILLED one to hear from you. What a mind to have created such a crew! i doubt that there’s any dysfunction around you personally. LOL!
My wife is pure Italian…with a very wacky family, just like my own English-Irish. She thinks we have the wierdest sense of humor, we Celts, but i think it’s our greatest quality,
however odd. Life is odd. Thanks so much for all you have agiven us, Dominic. Absolutely priceless. A lifetime of praise.
i can only repay you by pointing people to you to share you.
Dear Bob,
I welcome actor engagement but the way I write doesn’t leave much scope for improvisation. Perhaps what Caroline was referring to and responding to was intelligence in the writing (hopefully!) – rather than writing with gaps. Not sure.
More importantly, are you the Bob Scribner who taught my partner Medieval Reformation History at Clare?
All best,
Domenic, I’m gonna send a copy of my book to you (a squeaky kneeler). It contains many separate little stories from my life, one which I think would make a wonderful movie. I sent it to Roberto Benigni (as it would be an Italian movie), but he hasn’t answered.
I know you have projects to keep you busy for years, but maybe some rainy day you’ll get a chance to check it out. It would only take a few minutes…Thanks again for your Italo-Anglo Humor that keeps us trudging…michael robinson
HI Dominic,
Ditto on all rave reviews of your work. You did the initial scripts and really got the ball rolling for a unique and refreshing show! Helped get me thru chemo!
Question: Do you think Buffalo Prod. would read donated, fully released scripts? I put 2 DM scripts together and would love to get something into production to establish street cred. Deconstructed the DM episodes, added Brit terms and med situations (thanks to Dr. friend). Believe them to be production worthy.
Thanks for your time, Dominic! – Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks and it’s so good to know you enjoyed the show at a difficult time in your life. I can’t speak for Buffalo of course, so you just have to try them. I think they are a PACT company so you can find their details that way. It would be an unusual way to get scripts produced – but who knows!?
All best,
Thanks million, Dominic, for thanking the time to respond! I will fish the scripts across the pond and see what happens! Hoping chalk and cheese, M and L, keep working at it to continue the DM fun. And looking forward to seeing lots more of your mucho creative talents on the screen!
Thanks again! – Rebecca
Hello from Buffalo, NY USA. Just this past month I came across the Doc Martin series and purchased all the DVDs. The show is fantastic. The scenery, actors, writing and story line are superb. I am a 59 year old educator and have never written to a celebrity of any kind. So this is a first for me. Is there an address that I can use to write to any actors on the series? I have not been able to find addresses via the Internet. I am particularly enthralled with Caroline Catz’s portrayal of Louisa. She is an outstanding actress. Thank you for you fine work and I am looking forward to series six.
What a lovely messsage. Thank you, Steve. I don’t know the best way to get comments to cast. Have you checked out Doc Martin Online? I hear they read it! Very best, Dominic
Thank you. I will check there. I am looking forward to series six. Best of luck to you.
Hello Dominic,
Enlightenment on proper script formatting for DM would be so appreciated. Have spent excessive research time, finding many contradictions. A link somewhere trustworthy or info on basics like 2-hole punch top or side, brads or Acco fasteners…..name on front cover or no…..New Courier 12 okay or not….driving me mad….well almost. Script archive sample available? Thank you again for any info tossed my way….indeed!! Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
I don’t think formatting matters! Any script program will give you a ‘default TV’ setting which I am sure would do. A bigger hurdle is to get a producer to read an unsolicited script – I genuinely have no idea whether Buffalo (who make Doc Martin) can read unsolicited material…. It’s tough!
Dear Sir,
You’ve heard it all before again and again so this won’t be anything new. But I can tell you that I am a fat (well at the very least, chubby), fiftyish, fair-haired (dye job of course) Emergency room nurse from Canada who loves your show, Port Wenn and all it’s quirky inhabitants so much I am considering selling my beach front home and everything in it to move to the vacant house down the street from the surgery so that I can push Morwenna out of her job and be a part of it all. The only other show in my lifetime that came close to offering me the same fly-on-the-wall vantage point to see how people in a different world from me live their day to day lives was M.A.S.H; of which I watched every episode at least a dozen times. If you ever have to cancel DM due to the lack of a flunky to carry your briefcase call me. I’d be happy to pitch in. Oh and thank god there is going to be Season 7. Just thank god. That’s it. Hugs, Cathi
Howdy Dom — I have come late to DM – having seen the first one in Feb ’14 and LOVE it/them/all things DM beyond belief. Very surprised that no one has mentioned the “D ” word… as in Dickens….. in writing about the DM phenom. I think your creation falls into the category of 21st century Dickens and I thank you and all involved!!! I don’t know if you’re still reading and replying to this strand of emails but – what is the meaning of his Buddha? It was asked once before on this site and you dodged the answer but what were you thinking its role for him was to be?
Dear Dominic,
I just started watching Doc Martin a few weeks ago. It kind of grows on you. As a teacher and writer, I appreciate the subtleties and undertones, which often are funnier and more engaging that the in-your-face element.
I read that the 2015 scripts may be the last, due to a paucity of ideas. Not to sound delusion or too off-the-wall, but I have an idea that I think might be acceptable, if it hasn’t already been done. It centers on Doc’s childhood, and how idiosyncratic, eccentric, and ODD he really was.
Anyway, just thought I’d drop you a line regarding Doc Martin. It is a special program in many ways.
God bless,
Dominic, I’m writing this time on behalf of my 13 year old, Molly, who, though she is sooooo angry about the two year intervals between seasons, and though we know that you aren’t even part of it anymore, she knows that you created this Modern “Frankenstein.” LOL. You have told us so much recently about your precious mother. Your adoration for her has brought us many a chill up the spine and has made us look again and again – and tell our own mothers how much we love them!!! Doc Martin is the perfect example of the wreckage life would be to be in this world without a mother’s love. One might have an IQ of 200 and might discover a cure for cancer or something like that….but still be just about dead inside. The crew that took over your helm there is doing you great justice with the awful reality of that ultimate life of hell, to live without a mother’s love. Molly and I want to thank you for such a creation. We saw tears come out of the poor man, sign of hope, but don’t really know if redemption is in store. For now we will just hug and love our mothers more tenderly, thanks to you!
Dear Mr Minghella,
I would like to thank you for writing the series Doc Martin. I found it on my PBS station here in Columbus, Ohio, U S A. I never miss this show , it has made me so happy. I ordered all 7 DVD’s so that I can watch whenever I need to smile. I’ve heard that 2015 will be the last season, I’m hoping that is not true. The story line is really awesome and the actors are brilliant . The scenery is so breath -taking that I’m trying to plan a trip to Port Issac. (Also please have Martin and Louisa end up together, they seem so in love)
Again thanks for the brilliant writing and would love to see this show go on and on. ( not sure what the actors would say, but they seem to enjoy working with each other) GREAT S H O W! GREAT WRITING! GREAT ACTORS! GREAT MUSIC and SCENERY! Thanks
Doc Martin series 1 through 6 can be seen on Acorn TV streaming subscription on the ROKU. They also have a lot of other British programs we have enjoyed. Acorn TV seems like their Netflix.
Dear Dominic,
What an idiosyncratic, unique show Doc Martin is! As a teacher/writer, I appreciate the subtleties of the scripts, as well as the IN YOUR FACE elements. I noticed on one site that there was a question concerning the paucity of future script ideas. I have a couple to share with you:
l. Martin is being hounded by Louisa to play a vampire (opposite her female vampire) in a town drama production. Due to his aversion to blood, and the fact that such a role would be so out-of-character for him, this is quite a bit to ask of the doctor. The same episode would include the temporary appearance of another doctor that gets Louisa’s attention, hence Martin’s eventual consent to portraying the vampire, as he is jealous of this other gentlemen (who dresses casually — to Martin’s consternation). The episode would end with Martin being asked, after appearing on the stage (much to Louisa’s delight/shock) the night of the program, who would be his first victim: his gaze meets that of the other doctor in the audience, and we know the answer.
2. Martin has to watch over someone’s farm, and deal with the animals, the messiness, and the untoward sounds and sights.
Anyway, just having a little fun here. It’s a fine show, and my wife and I (we live in Los Angeles) hardly miss an episode.
May God bless you with health and happiness!
Hi Dominic,
I just saw the 5th episode of Season five again, (the episode was named “Remember Me”) and was wondering if two lines of dialogue were a tribute to the Australian movie “Danny Deckchair”. The context was different, but the lines were delivered in a way that reminded me of my favorite movie. The first line was “Well don’t just stand there!”, and the second line was “Whatever it takes!” It would be neat if the writers for my favorite show like my favorite movie. I understand this question may seem odd.
Charles Wood
Portland, Oregon
Haven’t seen it, Charles, sorry! Glad you like the show – thank you for reaching out.
Hello Mr Mighella
What an honor it is for me to be able to convey my thoughts about the incomparably fab series, “Doc Martin” – I could watch back-to-back episodes all day! Tell me: whilst I appreciate that you won’t want to divulge names, am I correct you based the character of Dr Ellingham on a real life individual? I’m so pleased you likef Martin Clunes’ portrayal – he’s such a versatil actor and always, in my opinion,. 100% convincing; I feel just as compilmentary about every single one of the remaining cast. Incidentally, what is the real world name of the Cornish location in which this masterpiece is filmed?
David, thanks for your enthusiasm and support. Port Wenn is played by Port Isaac.
Dr Ellingham is a composite character based on a number of brilliant but hard-to-love-but-nevertheless-loveable folk I know. And, like all characters one writes, he contains a healthy dose of me – hence the anagrammatic surname.
Dominic, I have been going through the first 6 seasons of Doc Martin and have been distressed as Martin and Louisa spiral into darkness and despair in the later episodes, which apparently you have not been a part of. The missing component to me in this series is the conspicuous absence of the availability of a legitimate route to spiritual transcendence for these fictional characters. Religion seems to be portrayed as a venue for the formal ceremonies of life presided over by clueless pastors and not as a source of hope and joy mentored by wise and strong men and women. The one hint laid down that I could see was Martin’s attachment to his Buddha figure, but it seems to remain completely out of place for him, the other characters and Portwenn itself, all of who remain trapped in their own stories with medicine as their source of salvation. I understand the dramatic tension and tragedy of playing out the Asperger’s thing, but I think this series is actually capable of going deeper than that and is missing the chance. I wonder if you would comment on the Buddha figure.
Hello Mr Minghella, I am a huge, devoted fan of Doc martin, love the tension and misunderstandings between them although it drives me crazy. Please tell me the series will continue, I just have to know. Although I am from Canada, I was introduced to the series by friends and watched it on PBS. I cant bear to have it end. I have plans to visit Port Isaac this June just to see the spot where this fabulous show is filmed.. Martin Clune and Louisa are exceptional actors. Please say we will see more of them! Who can I haunt in order to influence the continuation of a great series.?
The first 4 seasons of the Doc Martin series was to me, an original and refreshing program. I have gone back to it time and again to watch. I have noticed things I missed before (going on in the background-like at the dance) . I loved the music underscoring the action in the scenes, I loved the depth of the characters (the different sides of humanity) and the fact that you focus on mental illness as well as other illnesses.
I loved the editing especially, I loved the quirky humor, the sides of people and life not approached by other sitcoms, and the times when characters do things that break from their identities. I like the moment when Doc Martin understood the teasing the young girl was getting, or other times he became emotionally aware and he showed another side to his personality. I would like to see this included in his relationship with Louisa, and also, for Louisa to break her sometimes rigid response to Doc Martin. The program is a gem, I hope it picks up where it began. I truly have a hard time with the 6th season because it has slowed down and lost its spark; it has somehow changed into something else entirely, and I have trouble watching it. Thanks so much for writing this refreshingly new and humorous show. Also I love the location and the accents and new words I have learned! I often think I want to move there.
Hello from a loyal fan in Denmark. I, too, hope theis wonderful series will continue.
I haven’t read much at this blog (site) yet, but found it just now while surfing, and wanted to pass along a suggestion. I don’t know if you are open to any story-line ideas, but here goes: maybe there’s a way that Doc Martin could involve his love of horses somehow in the Doc Martin series. It might be a cool dynamic to throw into his character, let him “discover” that he is indeed an adept horseman. Perhaps Louisa and their son James Henry could get involved. Been thinking about this idea a long time. What do you think? Probably you have considered this yourself, or perhaps others have written and suggested this, too.
I’ve enjoyed a horse documentary with Martin Clunes, and as he said on Youtube, perhaps there are limits to what the patients can have wrong with them , like ideas might run out. I tend to disagree with this, but as Clunes is fond of animals, in real life, this can’t go wrong. It mightinspire other asperger-autists. Just a hunch.
Best Wishes,
L. Schmidt.
Ahem, Minghella,
Did you like my above suggestion about the Doc Martin series to contune with Martin Clune’s being a horseman?
Wow. You sure don’t read your blog comments I must gather… I do absolutely wonder at the dearth of reply! I went to a lot of trouble to comment here and mine is perhaps not the most constructve of all in this stack inasmuch as I have a plotline for the series to take a new direction. To continue, man!! G– , I wrote you back in February.
Did you like my suggestion about the Doc Martin series to contune with his being a horseman?
One could at least have thanked me.
Hello Linda,
Sorry I didn’t reply to your suggestion – no offence intended. Yours is an interesting suggestion – although we know the Doc does not like dogs, so I’m not sure it would fit – but I no longer work on the series, so it doesn’t matter what I think!
Glad you have enjoyed the series to date and thanks for getting in touch.
All best,
Thank you for Doc Martin. (DM again … hmmm.)
Loved your take on Cornwall, how something so simple can ignite a writer’s passion.
Prompted me to write a FooW story/series set at the end of the world.
Or at least, where the road comes to an end down under Down Under.
And a country newspaper needs rescue.
An honour to have inspired you! (So I get a commission, right!?) Best of luck with it. DM
We loved the first two seasons of Doc Martin, when you were involved. We continue to enjoy the series but we miss the episodes that could make us laugh without being kiddie show silly; specifically, we long for the plots that were fresh and unexpected. It’s not unusual for my husband and I to watch a whole episode now and barely raise a couple of chuckles. The episodes have become wildly predictable and the characters aren’t as engaging as they were when the writing was as rich as the Portwenn landscape. The cast remains fabulous. We can only hope the series doesn’t go out with a whimper with PC Penhale riding a shark into the sunset. Thank you, sir, for your talented contributions to Doc Martin.
Hi Sharon –
So grateful for your kind words. Maybe I shouldn’t take all the credit for the show’s early freshness – I suspect these things just get progressively harder as time goes on. There are great writers and creative minds on it.
But thanks so much for reaching out – hugely touched!
Hi Dominic,
Let me be another person to add to the throng of those who would like to thank you (and everyone else involved at the time too) for bringing “Doc Martin” to life, and ensuring that Martin Clunes would have a bigger legacy than “Gary Strang”.
On a personal note, as a diagnosed Aspie myself, I find myself empathising with the good Doc, while my long suffering and very loving wife of 25 years easily understands how everyone else in Port Wenn feels!
Right from the first episode, Martin’s impact on those around him due to his demeanour and personality was so well portrayed that it helped me to understand how others feel around Aspies like myself, while my wife has also received insight into how Aspies see the world. It’s helped each side of the behavioural chasm to see the other.
But enough psycho-babble! Best of luck with your future endeavours, and thankyou for the sleepy coastal town somewhere in Cornwall that we can visit whenever we want to.
Thanks Christian. I’ve sent you an email.
Just saw episode 4 (?) of Season 7 here in US – among the stories, Jake gets lost, Doc diagnoses him with diabetes. You got this right in season 1 with Caroline, but this time you got things screwed up. Jake had the classic symptoms of Type 1, and the result on the glucose meter should have been HI HI HI, not 29. The insulin Doc gave him would have killed him if his BG was really 29 – AND the syringe was NOT an insulin syringe. YIKES it was HUGE! We use mg/dl in the States, not sure what the conversion for mmol is in UK, but don’t think even 29 mmol would indicate an appropriately high result. I hope you’ve heard from others who know diabetes. Love the show, watch it every week, been waiting a long time for season 7. Surprised these details weren’t accurate.
Hi Nancy,
I’m surprised to hear that too, as I know the producers were very keen to get the medical details right. I haven’t worked on the show since season 2, so I’m afraid I don’t know how this happened. I hope you’re enjoying the show nevertheless.
V best,
What a clever, cleaver show!! Absolutely love Doc Martin. The writing is funny and each one of the quips is a keeper. Something as simple as, “God Bless you”…”I did not sneeze” can get me into splits. Never ever thought I would become a member of a fan club but that’s exactly what I have done. The Doc Martin Fan club & the Nartin Clunes Fan club. Amazing, witty writing, stupendous actors. Have seen all 7 series in their entirety twice and now on my 3rd watch (through Acorn streaming service). Even plan on going to Port Isaac next year during filming.
Can’t wait for series 8. And I have hooked my husband onto it too. Perhaps we can see your writing in S8 & S9?
I am not sure how it took so long for my wife and I to “discover” Doc Martin, but seven series later, we are glad we did! Now, I am concerned that the writers can make Doc less of a grump at the end of the eighth and final season. (So he can have a successful marriage) Not sure how this can be accomplished (hopefully not by head injury) but I have an idea….I would like to see Doc continuing with his sleep problems; then Aunt Ruth can find a sleep therapist/stress reducing expert who can help Doc calm down and sleep. While this person is in Portwenn, they can learn that Doc is an habitual grump and use hypnotherapy to make Doc nicer to his patients, less monosyllabic, and more friendly and social. A final hypnotic suggestion would be for him to buy a newer style of shoes! I love your show and need to find a new television series to replace it!
So excited to know there will be an eighth season. I adore this show. It’s the best. Idea for ending the series. Louisa, James, and Martin go off to London, as Martin resumes his career as a surgeon. Louisa and Martin look at one another and chuckle, before driving off and saying goodbye to the new GP, a grump who is even worse than Martin.
I love this show.
What is the name of that song played in series 1 episode 2 during the wedding reception?
Yikes. It’s been too long. I can’t remember. Any clue – what are the lyrics? I don’t have a copy of the show to hand.
Hello from sunny California. Is it true the script has been filmed for the last and final episode of Season 8? Please let it be rumors! I was hoping to see a script played out by Louisa’s brother who was mentioned a couple of times in the earlier episodes. I believe, Louisa mentioned him once and her dad mentioned him once. Does anyone out there remember that? Well, anyhow, I guess it’s too late to write the current producers regarding this request. I am going to miss the picturesque town of Portwenn, the well developed characters, and the dialogue between Doc Martin and Louisa. Dominic, thank you so much for your contribution to the Doc Martin series.
I’ve been (binge) watching Doc Martin in Australia. Love all the characters and Port Isaac. Some of my ancestors came from Cornwall, so I’m imagining what it was like to live there in the 19th century. Reading that there will be another series, I’ve been frustrated by the lack of development in Louisa’s attitude to Martin over the 7 series as I have been watching them over a compressed few weeks of viewing.
It no longer makes sense that a teacher would be so ignorant of someone on the spectrum, Martin demonstrating many characteristics of a person with asperger syndrome. I’m a teacher, we have training and experience, the incidence of children on the spectrum has increased or the diagnosis has increased those identifies with it.
Louisa as a head teacher has to be educated in and empathetic to children on the spectrum, why is she still focused on her own one dimensional emotional needs for a “normal” relationship with Martin. Classically she wants Martin to change…what rubbish. It makes her the most ignorant teacher in the UK if she cannot define their relationship within the scope of aspergers, people who make very loyal partners. She is more likely to make a philandering drunk change than Martin. On the other hand she is an ordinary person who had the singular attribute of beauty that Martin is smitten with, they are clearly not matched.
Louisa wants his genius babies without the responsibility of being with a person who is brilliant, loyal but on the spectrum. Her vacillations need to mature past this unbelievable premise, she’s the one who needs to change, the therapy might be redefined as the problem being with her attitude to fix Martin. Perhaps they might obsess about James being on the spectrum as it can be inherited. What if they both find people with whom they actually have something in common. Average Joe for her and someone brilliant for Martin.
Hi Ann, I hear you. I’m not involved with the show these days, so I don’t know the directions taken or choices made. But I do understand your points about modern teachers. Having said that, and having some experience of spectrum issues in education, I don’t think even trained and enlightened teachers can easily stop themselves wishing people would ‘just behave’.
Insofar as Martin cannot change, and they aren’t a great match, but there is an attraction and a bond, I suppose that should continue to make for good drama. Let’s see!
“Dominic Minghella on 30 April 2016 at 2:38 am said:
Yikes. It’s been too long. I can’t remember. Any clue – what are the lyrics? I don’t have a copy of the show to hand.”
The song goes like this: “to the white house, to the white house, walking along the cliff”…. I’ve gotten a reply from Colin Towns that he had nothing to do with that choice/song. It was played by the band at Elaine’s wedding reception. We’d love to know what it is, if you have that information. Many thanks and cheers to you –
Now I remember the song… but I’m afraid I have NO idea from whence it came! Sorry!
Cheers right back to you.
Hello Dominic,
I just found this page of yours 🙂 So thankful for your contributions to Doc Martin Series. Just love watching the re runs of the series that you were involved in.
I learnt a few days ago on that the surname Ellingham is actually a anagram of your surname Minghella how clever of you!!
It is a series that you can watch over and over again and I just love Doc Martins character so well done!!
Kindest regards
Maureen Pennisi
Thank you so much, Maureen. I’m delighted you’ve enjoyed the show. The anagram surname probably isn’t THAT clever … but in some ways I was asking myself how aspergic *I* am. Every character you write should have a little piece of you, right? The Doc took my aspergic piece!
Thank you kindly for replying Dominic, also “You ” will always be the ” Foundation of his Creation ” too!!!
You will think it odd, but I just discovered Doc Martin a month or so ago. I actually didn’t want to watch it. The advert with a grimacing photo of Clunes is off putting. (I had never seen any of his previous work.) But I watched the first few episodes and have become an ardent fan. I think Haemophobia is one of the finest pieces of writing for television I have ever seen. Clunes is quoted as saying the romance between Martin and Louisa was something that wasn’t planned. But other interviews with Clunes clarifies that he meant “the audience reaction to it” wasn’t expected. Of course the romance was intended because it’s in the script!. I went back and watched the Doc Martin movies and it’s amazing that you were able to take that rather pedestrian show and turn it into something truly spectacular. And it’s the tender moments between M and L that really make the show great. It’s so beautifully crafted. Turns out that Clunes is a great dramatic actor, given decent material, and Ben Bolt really nailed it. But it starts with the characters and the script and that’s you. You have created something that will be very hard to top. Sorry. But thanks so much for doing so…
Thanks Henry. Your kind words mean so much to me. I hope you will enjoy my upcoming work, Knightfall.
Best series ever seen on TV. Love everything about it. Just hope in the coming season Louisa and Martin will make hot steamy passionate love that wakes up the whole village…..picture the scene, the lights going on one by one! Surely they deserve it, the village and Louisa and Martin…it would please the fans of the show too!
Thank You
Ha! But not sure I do want to picture the Doc having sex!
Under the duvet would be fine! Perhaps suggest it to the current producers and writers.
Thanks again for your brilliant Doc Martin.
I live in Hackberry Louisiana USA. My husband is a retired MD who is the REAL LIFE DOC MARTIN!. A patient of his gave us a whole series years ago bc he felt the resemblance was so strong.
OMG! I could WRITE the script DAILY…boy; do I KNOW how Louisa feels…love him 2 pieces AND want to choke him! Come get him-U can have him! We LOVE this show!
Thinking a GREAT cameo for your final season would be the character Patsy Stone from AbFab – on vacation in PW and coming to see Mrs T at the pharmacy for some pills. Whether or not she would see the Doc depends on how fun it got – he could “run further tests…but declare her a walking scientific miracle.” Her reply: “yea, Cheers!”
Love Doc Martin series. Will hate to see it go.
from North Carolina, USA
Hi, love to watch doc martin have a few connections with port Isaac. I may even move there? Can you help me i am trying to buy an original script for myself so i can get it signed. Many thanks Julie
Please oh please don’t leave us hanging this 7th series. Doc deserves so much more and so do we. 7 episodes after waiting a year? Come on. We need about 10 more this season alone.
Not sure if you’re able to make some changes but help us out, and never ever leave an audience hanging…
So very unfair.
Thank you for demonstrating the Epley Maneuver on one of the episodes. I suffer from vertigo from time to time, so I followed the instructions from the show and it worked.
I just wanted to express my gratitude and say how much I love the show. Many of my friends here in North Carolina enjoy it also. My husband works with several people from the UK and they discuss the show frequently.
Thank you again.
Thanks Vicki. Glad you’re enjoying the show. I’m not involved any more so I can’t take credit for the Epley Maneuver.
Hi Dominic Minghella, I am an Emergency nurse who adores your series. It is a masterpiece script, living
in Miami, in medicine can be very challenging and I never experienced such laughter. I
related to the
doctor who is a hero. I recommended this series to doctors and nurses in the area and they love it,
My ventures with 52,000 patients made me realize the Doc Martin also dealt with similar cases, gun shot
and knives with psch patients and emergency measures. He is a true hero. love martin clunes, hemophobia
and his doctor skills, with Louisa and how he reacts to patients and small town gossip. Plan to visit
Cornwell next year and experience the Brits, Keep writing such beautiful shows and you are a blessing
world wide to heal our hearts and souls with laughter, sincerely chris galan r.n.
Thanks so much Chris. It means so much to know you are enjoying the show. I don’t write it these days, but it remains dear to my heart. I hope you get to Cornwall next year. It is as wonderful as it looks onscreen!
Hi Donna,
Sorry you’re hanging! I am no longer involved with the production but I believe they will be bringing you more next year!
Hi Julie,
Sorry for the late reply. I had a look for some old scripts of mine but I’m afraid I didn’t find any. Good luck!
Hello – I’m another huge fan of the series, I can’t seem to get enough of it. Thank goodness for reruns while we wait for another season. My question in particular is regarding the wedding dance song at Martin and Louisa’s actual wedding episode, for their first dance. Try as I might, I can’t seem to locate the song independent of that episode, on a YouTube video or somewhere else. I’d like to know who is singing as well. I appreciate your help, and keep on doing outstanding work like Doc Martin!
Hello. I don’t think you’re the first person to ask about that song. And I’m really sorry – I don’t know! Thanks for watching the show!
I have a good idea for the writers of Doc Martin. Have him encounter a high pressure
Pharmaceutical Salesman who won’t take no
for an answer.
P.S. we watch Doc Martin on PBS Glad to
Hear there will be a season 8&9
Are the medical facts true on Doc Martin?
I can’t speak for recent series, but certainly when we began we tried hard to be medically correct. It’s fiction, though, so I wouldn’t take anything as gospel. Thanks for watching the show.
I absolutely love the show Doc Martin. I live in the US. I was introduced to the show by my brother. I bought all the series and when series 8 became available, I just had to get that as well. I am looking forward to series 9. I hope that there will be more series after series 9. The cast is wonderful. The location is just breathtaking. I have been to England before, but did not get to visit cornwall. It is now a must do item for me. Thank you for being part of a very delightful and creative program. I hope you could tell the cast and crew that I appreciate the wonderful hard work that I can obviously see that they put in. I have thoroughly enjoyed the program.
Just a question since it is my professional experience. Has Doc Martin considered other forms of therapy besides cognitive behavioral therapy? Just a thought (LOL).
Thanks John. So happy to hear that you’re enjoying the show. I no longer work on it, so I don’t know the answer to your question about other forms of therapy – what would you recommend? Maybe he should try yoga. I’d watch that.
Wow, Here in Australia, all we can say is……..were you late for an appointment?
Season 9 Episode 8 ( The Ending) was the worst. We, as fans, deserve more effort than what was offered.
Wrong way to wrap it up Dom…..truly a disappointment ol’ mate
The light of your work burned so brightly…..right up to this ending……..Really Sad.
Thanks Anthony. Glad you have been a fan of the Doc. I have not worked on the show for years, and haven’t seen the latest series. What happened?
Dear Mr Minghella,
Like all of the people above, I am a huge fan of Doc Martin and love your portrayal of Cornwall. Although I’m not from Cornwall, we have moved here for my husband’s work and it truly depicts many of the characters I know on the South Coast. I don’t suppose there’s any chance I could complete a short interview with you (via email or phone?) concerning your writing? I’m about to complete a masters in screenwriting and your point of view on writing about Cornish characters/the pull of Cornwall on screen around the world would be most helpful.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
I am forlorn—now that I have watched EVERY “Doc Martin” episode available. Will there be Season 10? PLEASE say yes!!!
You are a genius, Mr. Minghella. You have given me hours of pure, delightful entertainment. I am in love with your characters, and will be yearning to “visit” them again soon.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Leslie Fitting
Dock Martín hat mir die Corona Pandemie versüßt. Es ist ein Hauch von Normalität den wir doch alle so dringend wieder brauchen. Ich bin begeistert von der Serie und bin durch Zufall darauf gestoßen. Ich wollte mich bedanken und sagen bitte nicht aufhören, das wäre schade. Herzlichst Michaela Kolinsky Germany
Dear Mr Minghella,
How delightful to be able to send a message to you! Thank you for the opportunity, and thanks for the Doc – how much we enjoy him.
The reason I found your website was that I was moved to try to understand the relationship, if there was one, between yourself and Mr Clunes. He seems so perfect, and, I might say, unsubstitutable. Partly because we know that in real life, for example, he loves dogs – and so every time he chases that dog out the door I convulse (in a good way). In fact, sometimes I wonder why he is so funny, you seem to have created a character that flies in the face of logic, and yet when he tells a little girl to stop playing the violin – well, to paraphrase Wodehouse, if there was an aisle, I would have rolled in it.
So may I ask if were you thinking of Martin when you wrote the character, playing on his real life persona and picking out all these contra indicated quirks? Or is he just a brilliant actor, bringing to life your notion of ‘world’s best doctor with world’s worst bedside manner’?
Kind regards and thanks,
Hello Ray,
Martin and his wife hired me, so it was always Martin in the role. They had a lovely cocker spaniel Mary who always came to our meetings, and I got my love of dogs from them. I wanted a dog in the show but didn’t feel it suited the character to keep a loving animal. So I thought it could be fun if a dog tried to keep Martin, and Martin Clunes plays that so well doesn’t he?
I absolutely adore the Doc Martin Series. One of the best of the best! The travesty will be the end of this heartwarming story. Your creative juices were really flowing when you came up with this ideal. You are brilliant along with the entire cast. It’s breaking my heart to see this just finish, leaving so many great episodes still in your genius. Please reconsider and allow it to fill our futures with joy and laughter.
Danny R. Grimes Sr.
Eastern, Texas
There are many other characters which have interesting storylines of their own. Consider a new show called “The Chemist” or “Port Wenn”. The daily activities of Port Wenn centered around the pharmacy instead of the surgery. There are so many storylines left incomplete from Season 10 involving all the Port Wenn characters. Port Wenn can be created in filmed in a different location than Port Isaac. Just like there were different storylines in Doc Martin, the same Port Wenn characters can have ongoing storylines in the new spinoff. I can see familiar faces starring in the spinoff without centering around the doctor. Even Chippy, the cute little old lady whose cat was Tom Tom, Ruth and Sally newfound friendship, Bert learning about his grandchild, and Louisa and James Henry popping in at the chemist. Sally can refer to “The Doc” as she has always without actually showing the doctor – kind of like Charlie from Charlie’s Angels. Joe Penhale definitely can create more storylines outside of the chemist. Season 10 seemed so rushed through and a spinoff could definitely go a different and more complete direction with focus on Port Wenn or the Chemist.
There’s a startling leap in quality between the first three Doc outings (Saving Grace and the two TV movies) and ep 1 of the real Doc Martin (Ellingham) series. As the two TV movies were already in the hands of Buffalo Pictures (Clunes and Braithwaite) I’m inclined to credit you alone with the transformation. Am I being unfair to anybody?
All good things come to an end. How we enjoyed the great series of Doc Martin. I don’t like series at all, but we couldn’t get enough of this great story.
Thank you very much for this series. We live in Poland and have a small campsite. My wife and I often quote Martin: make way, you idiot, out-out-out etc.
Thanks again 😀
Oggi, ho visto per l’ottava volta tutta la serie di Doc Martin (la decima stagione tre volte)!
Le prime tre stagioni le trovo più coinvolgenti. Le altre, grazie ai due personaggi “trainanti”, restano piacevoli e mi aiutano comunque a distrarmi molto dalla vita corrente. Trovo inoltre che il filo conduttore del campo “medico”, che unisce ogni stagione, è comunque formidabile e socialmente molto utile.
Non mi era mai capitato di affezionarmi ad una serie televisiva come con Doc Martin, tanto da sentirmi “partecipe”.
Grazie, Franco
Grazie, grazie, grazie! Vorrei che la serie Doc Martin non finisse mai. Quando guardo una puntata non vedo l’ora di guardare la prossima.. E’ troppo divertente. Mi fa desiderare di andare nel paese dove è stato girato e di viverci.
con i personaggi del telefilm. Per favore continua a fare nuovi episodi!!
la prossima volta che lo vedo glielo dico.
Ne sono convinto anch’io.
Però proseguendo la terza serie!
Grazie Dominic