That Covid Bloke

For a little while – perhaps because I was an early case to come out of hospital – I became “that Covid bloke”, asked to share my experience in print, on radio and on TV.  I was happy to do it, but I’m not sure how long I want to be that (ultimately) happy “good news” story.

Because, as we all know, almost nothing about this Covid calamity is good news. As I recover, my elation at being alive is developing into something else. Determination. And fury.

Here below (image clicks through to the BBC’s twitter) is me talking to Victoria Derbyshire recently about my hospital experience – and, although she invites me to talk about my anger, I don’t really take it. More fool me. I should have leapt at the chance. 


PS – I articulate some of that fury for you here.  No extra charge!