Small thing, but a big thing.
The extraction of only five letters, to be exact, but a very dishonest extraction.
Here goes.
February, 2019.
International Trade Secretary, Dr Liam Fox, gives a speech at Policy Exchange, London to set out the UK’s role in global trade.
He cites the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review. It “sums up our position perfectly”.
He quotes the report as follows: (note the blue highlight, it’s important)

And, he says gleefully, “It’s hard to put it better than that!”
But the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review DID put it better than that.
Here’s what the Review said – without Fox’s mischievous omissions:

See what the good doctor did there?
In 2.14, “the EU” is omitted! Quite an omission in its own right. But also our EU membership is included in – and substantially affects the meaning of – what follows in the next paragraph, 2.15.
Note also how, in 2.15, the final sentence, which Fox neglects to include from the “perfect” description of the UK’s position, specifically refers to our membership of the EU when it talks about our role in maintaining and championing free trade and strengthening the global economy.
So. Five letters extracted. Meaning dishonestly altered.
It sums up our Brexit manipulators perfectly.