Whatever Else You Call It

UK Parliament, 1st Day of Prorogation, 10 September, 2019
The Gormenghast and his Project Leave cabal are quite clearly adopting a strategy of chaos and iconoclasm.
Nothing you thought was safe is safe. It turns out that what you thought was a wall, solid and strong, protective, can easily be bulldozed.
Laws passed might not be enshrined, or obeyed; democracy might be shut down; people might be allowed to die for the sake of ideology; parties can be purged and smashed; treaties can be torn up and commitments reneged upon; we can talk trade while playing protectionism; we can talk science while crushing the cooperation it requires; we can cheat and be found out and still keep the keys to power; we can break the law and suppress investigation in the name of ‘national interest’; we can claim popular support for a single overriding issue, while refusing a confirmatory vote to prove it; we can insist on crashing the plane as a win….
Whatever else you call this policy of daily dead-cat-on-the-table outrage, it is not government.
It is the opposite of government.
It’s not just that the UK has no parliament.  It has no government either.