Louisa remembers Anthony

On what would have been Anthony’s 63rd birthday, Louisa plays this song from Whale Music, Anthony’s brilliant all-female play from 1981.

I loved those songs, like I loved that brother, with obsessive passion. I made everybody listen.

I still do. I’m doing it now. Listen and love.

STOP PRESS 2021: Facebook has changed its ways, and I can no longer embed this video here. Sorry. Here’s the direct link: Louisa sings Woman to Woman


4 thoughts on “Louisa remembers Anthony

  1. That’s a beautiful song, very beautifully sung. Thanks for sharing it 🙂

  2. Kitty and I have just listened to Louisa’s wonderful voice, singing such a moving tribute to Anthony.
    We love that you constantly wish to remind us of Anthony’s exisitence, his love and how much you all miss him. That is what life is meant to be after all, about family, togetherness and love.
    Kitty still has the script to Whale Music which she has kept since she saw it at the Leicester Haymarket in 1981 and which had a huge influence on her. She has just dug it out and leant it to me
    Love to you all XXXX

  3. Thank you for sharing that – it was so beautiful. Louisa is such a star and it is a brilliant song Dom.

  4. Kitty saw it at Leicester? That was its premiere! We made the journey from the Isle of Wight to see it, and I felt so grown up, staying in the Holiday Inn. It was an adventure.

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