It Does Say No Cycling

21st December, 2010

Today is National Short Story Day. 

I am sharing my short story, It Does Say No Cycling, with registered readers.

Here’s a taster. 

Warning: not cheery.   And not for younger readers, so sign up under Members to read the whole thing.

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by Dominic Minghella © 2010


Let’s not talk about your son, he said. Let’s make that a rule. Let’s just eat lunch.

Why? she said. Okay, she said. And maybe …

What? he said.

Maybe we should have another rule, she said, maybe we shouldn’t do the sex thing.

The sex thing? he said. Why do you call it that? he said. It’s not a thing.

I just think there has to be more than that.

How can there be more than that?

They ate four flavours of ravioli on oblong plates.

This fishy one tastes of you he smirked.

That’s gross she said.

Why gross? he said.

Outside, he said: Back to Brunswick, Mrs? And she said, I said no.

Yeah but does no mean no? Or do you want my tongue on you?

There are people! she said, blushing.

Shall I take that as a yes?

Can’t we just talk?

Okay, he said and walked a foot away from her. He stopped at the Renoir’s posters, pointedly.

We haven’t got much time, she said.

And you want to spend it talking.

Well we’re not talking, are we?

I don’t want to talk.


Turning into the building, grey, they walked fast, as usual, heads down. Three kids on bikes clattered past.

It does say no cycling, he said.

It does say no wanking, called one.

He glanced at her. Pricks.

Did you see his hair? she said. The mixed race one. Beautiful.