Gloria Minghella Obituary

Heartfelt thanks to all who attended the funeral and sent flowers.

It was a beautiful, sad day, and a fitting tribute to Gloria in the church (St Mary’s, Ryde) where she married in 1950, and where we were all christened, confirmed and confessed.

Among the remarkable contributions were soprano Mary Plazas’ Ave Maria, Philip Andrews’ journey from Rome to participate at the altar, and my own sister Edana’s lead on Amazing Grace.  My personal and heartfelt thanks to them and to the many others who worked to make the day just perfect for Mum.

Our apologies and thanks to those who had to stand for such a long service.

The collection in church raised very substantial sums for both church funds and one of Mum’s favourite charities, the Motor Neurone Disease Association – of which Mum was IW President. Thank you for your amazing generosity.

There have been many touching tributes to Mum in person, by post, on television and across the internet and social media.  Thank you.

Here is her obituary from The Telegraph.

Gloria Telegraph

There is also an obituary in The Times ( – you will need a subscription.

2 thoughts on “Gloria Minghella Obituary

  1. I was saddened that I was unable to attend your mothers funeral to pay my respects as I am currently in Gran Canaria. But at least I got to see the coverage on Meridian TV. Gloria will be truly missed by all those who had the privilege to know her. Remembering your family in my prayers.

  2. Dominic,

    It has been many years since we were boys together in Ryde. My Father told me recently of the sad news about Gloria, he wanted me to reach out and extend our deepest condolences to your family. Please pass our warmest regards to your Father. We will have Mass said for Gloria and the family in New York where I now live with my family.


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