Please share your memories of Gloria at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
Edana’s eulogy here Dominic’s eulogy here Telegraph obituary here
ITV’s news piece on the funeral:
Please share your memories of Gloria at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
Edana’s eulogy here Dominic’s eulogy here Telegraph obituary here
ITV’s news piece on the funeral:
1974… “We’ll meet at Minghella’s at 10… ok?” How many times did I hear that? The fantastic coffee, spending far too long over one drink… and of course Mrs. Minghella’s patience, but at the same time, not taking any stick from us young scoundrels!
Ryde has lost a part of it’s heart that can never be replaced with the passing of Gloria…
My deepest sympathy to you all. Gloria was a fireball so full of energy. My memories of her go way back to the days of the Mayfair Cafe which was the meeting place for so many of us in our teens. Her support for Ryde Carnival was tireless. Ryde has lost a remarkable person & I only wish I could be back on the Island to pay my respects in person. I am currently in Gran Canaria & unable to return right now as my husband had an RTA on Tuesday & is currently in hospital with broken ribs & multiple injuries but I will remember you & the family in my prayers.
Everyone at Quay Arts is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Gloria, the matriarch of the Islands most creative family. We are proud to have the Minghella name on our theatre, and send our best wishes to the family at this sad time. When Anthony lifted that Oscar and said it was a great day for the Isle of Wight, the world heard about the creativity of our wonderful Island – and Gloria was at the heart of that. Many of the photographs accompanying this sad news are of Gloria in our cafe – which speaks volumes about her support for us as the creative charity on the Island. Rest in peace.
I am so happy to to have become a friend of you and your amazing family and to have met Gloria a couple of times when she came to Umbria! What most struck me about her was her energy and cheerfulness. I think there are not many people on this earth who leave others with so many happy memories. She had so much to give and generously did so. I shall never forget the last evening at your house, Dom, last year when we had dinner together with her and Pasquale. She seemed to be doing better than ever. The more the news struck me (although I knew about her health problems). Unfortunately I am not good at writing these things in English, please forgive me! I am sending you and your family a very big hug and all our love. We are rigth by your side! Angelika & Co.
I started working for Gloria and Eddie way back in 1962, and they endured me (happily, I think) for a good 10 years, one way and another. In the past 5 years I’ve been greeted by the both of them as if a long lost son, and, indeed, they were substitute, honorary parents. Thus I’ve lost another Mum, but still can’t imagine how the others feel.
There is now another bright star in the sky, being guided by another.
My love to Eddie, Gioia, Edana, Loretta and Dominic.
My first job as a teenager was in Minghellas Cafe, serving ice cream & teas, plus the washing up. I remember with great fondness Mr & Mrs M, Muriel, Rez & Jean … Those were great times & great memories. Ryde High Street is not the same anymore without Minghellas as a place to stop for proper coffee. My thoughts are with your family Dom.
I remember Mrs minghella collecting for Ryde carnival on parade days always smiling and polite to everyone
A lovely lady .our own royalty xx
I am heart broken to hear the new of Gloria’s death. I feel blessed to have known such a fine lady, so full of wisdom, love and the joys of life. Gloria’s positive outlook on everything always made me feel good, gave me a kind of inner strength. I felt her warmth, and I am so sad she is gone. I will miss her. My thoughts are with you, Edward and all the other members of the family. Love, Cassius xx
Deeply Saddened to hear of the passing of truly iconic figure , always smiling, charming company and, always first on the dance floor with Eddie.
The world, the island and it’s many functions and dances will never be the same.
My thoughts are with the wonderful family she leaves behind.
My condollences for loosing a mother Loretta, Edana (I have listened to you so much I feel I know you now), family and friends. I thoughts are with you and I pray for strength for you and family in this difficult times and may the good Lord comfort you all.
John Kitui
I remember very clearly waking up on Christmas morning and running downstairs with Dan to open our presents, but she never let us go into our stockings until she’d given us our little chocolate bar trays, and I’d always swap my milky way for Dan’s chocolate buttons.
A few years ago, while I was still singing with my old teacher, I remember singing Santa Lucia with her on the accordion. And we both got it all wrong and we laughed, and she said we’d practice some day and we’d get it perfect, but we never did. And even until my last phone call with her she’d ask me to sing it down the phone and she’d always say “someday we’ll get it perfect”.
And when Dan and I were travelling alone from Italy with her and Granddad, she let us ride on the little cart thing that takes you to the gate even though we should have walked, and on the plane she bought us each a Twix and she insisted on switching it for something else once I’d said I didn’t like them.
She asked me to play the guitar on Christmas eve last year while we were waiting for Dan to finish the barbecue sauce and she stayed listening to me until I put down my guitar even when everyone else was talking.
I remember her telling me about what she was wearing when she met the Queen and Prince Philip, and she said that he liked the big hat she was wearing.
She always believed in me. She used to hold my hand and tell me about my voice, and she always told me that I’s go far, and how proud she was of me. Whatever I sang she’d always tell me the truth about what she thought, if I’d started too high or too low, or if she liked the music. And whenever I played the piano, even though I’m really not very good, she’d always tell me that it sounded beautiful, and that she would teach me the accordion some day or another.
It’s really hard, when someone dies, to not have regrets. I regret not going to see her last weekend, I regret not playing for her some of the times she asked me to, I regret not telling her how much I loved her every time I saw her. I’ve had a really, really tough time getting over that, but I am so, unbelievably grateful to her for everything she gave me; every memory, every experience and all of that love. She was such an amazing woman and a beautiful, wise, incredible grandmother and I love her so much for everything she gave me.
I love you
Lola xx
I too, started my “career” working at the cafe in the High Street eventually being “promoted” to serving the ice cream in the window at the front. Latterly I briefly worked at the Wootton factory when it opened. I have extremely fond memories of Mrs Minghella – she was a sweet, strong lady who always had a smile and a laugh. I always remember the kitchen in the Ryde cafe being a hub of Minghella family members coming and going which was an indication back then of how close you all were. I am sure she will leave a very big hole but one that can be filled with precious memories of such a fine lady. My condolences. x
Our sincerest condolences on the passing of Gloria. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Edana and the family. May the Lord bless and keep her. Rest in Peace Miss Gloria ~MP
Saddened to hear about Mrs Minghella, one of the warmest people I’ve ever met. Always had time to tell me a story of her families exploits, from coffee shops and ice-cream to royalty and Hollywood. RIP Gloria from you friendly plumbers Paul, Steve and Christine Chapple.
Martin and I send out love to everyone at this sad time. Auntie Gloria was an amazing compassionate, wise person who had a huge heart, I’m so sorry I won’t be able to see her again in this lifetime. This message sends our very best wishes to the Minghella family – lots of love to you all. Lisa xx
Condolences on your loss. I feel honoured to have known Gloria and I admired her so much. Such energy and joy and care for others, a remarkable life well lived and a family so loved. She has given so much and the island community will feel her loss as will all those whose lives she touched. A great lady indeed.
Twenty or so years ago, as a young writer living in Ryde, I phoned the Minghella Ice Cream company in the hope that someone may offer me a few crumbs of advice. It was a desperate and (I later realised) incredibly rude thing to do.
I was fortunate enough to have my call answered by Gloria Minghella. To my utter surprise she spent the next hour giving me encouragement and offering insights into the cinematic world that I so badly wished to be a part of. To have a total stranger be so kind, generous and considerate made a huge impression on me. She said that, in her experience, the best advice she could give me was to never become a writer – that it could crush a person terribly. She also said that, if it was my dream, I should hold on tight and never give in. I never have.
Several years later I actually met Mrs Minghella at one of the Film Festivals. I didn’t remind her of our telephone conversation as, frankly, I was (and still am) ashamed to have done such a stupid and naive thing. Once again, she showed such kindness and grace to a stranger, giving me a hug as I wept in remembrance of her son. I feel blessed to have met such a gentle and gracious woman. My love and thoughts are with her family.
So very sad to hear that Aunty Gloria has passed away. Our deepest condolences to you all. I remember her coming to see me when I was on a school trip when I was still at primary school – she came to the hotel where we were staying laden with sweets and chocolates. A tremendous loss and we are thinking of you all. Xx
Although I never met Gloria, I know of the wonderful family she raised. Her spirit will live on through her children and grandchildren. Blessings to you, Dominic, and to all who will miss this lovely lady. Marie xox
There is only one proper statement that can be used to describe Aunty Gloria.
“What a wonderful person”
She was one in a million and an inspiration to us all.
She personified everything good in this world fairness, compassion, justice, love & hope.
She had the balance of them all!!!
If there ever was a role model for humanity she was it.
It was an honour and a privilege to have her in my life, I’m a better person because of the example she set & I am just thankful that she was in my life, no matter how sad I feel now,
I am happy that I had the privilege of knowing her for over 46 years.
She will be dearly missed by all.
Gloria Minghella, where do I begin? Like so many others, I go back to the very early days. Sitting in the Mayfare Cafe on the way home from School with just enough money for an Expresso, we made it last long enough to see Anthony arrive home in his Ryde School uniform. We’d all smile and wave, just to watch his chubby cheeks go pink as he navigated between the tables and took the long walk to the sanctuary of the private quarters. Gloria would smile with those big brown eyes and then potter off to tend her family. I worked alongside a small crew, for many years on Ryde Carnival Committee. Gloria was our Chairman, and a joy to work with,always quick to praise our efforts. Despite a hectic schedule, she always managed to get to meetings. I could go on for hours about how much she gave back to this Island that adopted her and her family, and took them to it’s heart. One of the Islands proudest days was watching Anthony win the Oscar for “The English Patient” when he held the Statue aloft, and said ” This is for the Isle Of Wight” I felt as if he’d won it for all of us.I have been to the Premieres and basked in the glory that for a short time was ours. The day he died, I felt as if the lights had all gone out on our Island. Gradually they came back on again until yesterday. Gloria you were a wonderful person and I for one will be heartbroken not to ever see you walking the Carnival Route shaking your collection tin. Rest now and catch up with your beautiful Son. Love and respect. R.I.P Gloria. xxx
So sorry to hear about the pass of Gloria, she was such a lovely lady i was lucky enough to have meet and worked for her and her husband in their cafe in Ryde many years ago never forgot her or their family she was so good to me, R.I.P. Gloria will never forget you, my heart goes out to Eddie and his family at this sad time.
Many memories of schooldays and birthday parties with Anthony and Gioia upstairs at ‘Minghellas’… Gloria always smiling and welcoming.
A great supporter of Ryde Carnival, I can see her now walking along, shaking a collection tin!
My sincerest condolences to all the family. Unfortunately I cannot be there to pay my respects on Tuesday, but I will say a prayer and remember with affection this remarkable lady……R.I.P. Gloria….
It’s a gorgeous spring day here in «La Bella Roma», as Gloria always insisted upon calling it. Walking through Piazza Farnese this morning, a jazz band was serenading the clients sat outside the swanky, Caffè Farnese, just as they had been on a similar morning eighteen-months earlier when Gloria, Ed and I were ourselves sat outside that same bar, feeding the birds and enjoying deliciously-potent aperitivi before heading off for a gargantuan Italian Sunday lunch with Anna Maria, Gina and their family.
A couple of hours earlier, we’d all been to Mass in the «Venerabile Collegio Inglese», (The Venerable English College — having just celebrated 650 years, is the oldest British institution outside of the British Isles). Gloria and Ed had led the offertory procession to where the emeritus archbishop of Southwark was presiding. Indeed, they had quite a providential knack of turning up at the College when a prelate was around. On their previous visit, Cardinal Murphy O’Connor and the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, had been in residence. On that same occasion, the three of us had also attended a cocktail party at the British Ambassador’s residence, where Gloria and Ed had been rightly treated like royalty. Sadly, also on that same visit, I first saw the signs of Gloria’s illness: on the Wednesday morning, Gloria was feeling unwell and so we had to miss the General Audience — and the likely probability of meeting Pope Benedict in person, as I’d secured three «VIP» tickets adjacent to the Pope’s chair — It was a disappointment for Gloria, but one which she bore with dignity.
Nevertheless, Gloria loved the English College, or «Venerabile», as it is known in Rome; she became a member of the Friends of the «Venerabile», and a great supporter of me personally. One of my most treasured gifts from Gloria and Ed is a set of silver cufflinks bearing the College’s coat of arms, which Gloria fretted about having dipped in gold. Gloria’s kindness and generosity knew no limits, regardless of who you were. I wonder how many people know just how much good Gloria did behind the scenes? She did considerable work out of the public gaze: tirelessly raising funds for worthy causes, visiting inmates in prison, or simply checking on neighbours’ well-being, these are just a few examples; they are the gracious acts which have marked out Gloria in the hearts and minds of the many who experienced her abundant kindnesses.
However, Gloria had many other qualities. Gloria was incredibly wise and astute. She could be counted upon to offer support and sage guidance to anyone who asked, a quality she and Ed both share. What made her perspective on a given situation so special was the fact it was always informed by compassion. Gloria truly knew what it meant to empathise with people She could look beyond the superficialities by which many people judge and see the person behind the mask; often a wounded soul, who would meet in Gloria one who could effect some form of passage to ultimate healing. These qualities are readily apparent in Gloria and Ed’s children. For example, Gloria’s dear Antony, who observed the people behind the masks in his writing and brought out the real characters. As he himself once said in an impromptu interview about the film, «Breaking and Entering»: «…Films have this wonderful ability of enabling you to think outside of your own skin for while… I’m interested in stories which insist on a dog fails-to-eat-dog kind of world. I hate misanthropy and want to believe that there’s a possibility that we might all be redeemed, that hope deferred makes the soul sick, that our humanity is fragile, funny, common, crazy, full of the longing for love, the failure of love.» To anyone who knew Gloria’s preferential option for the marginalised, the above quote will come as no surprise.
Although I first met Gloria back in the late nineties, when she was busy raising a million pounds to restore St John’s Cathedral in Portsmouth, it is over the past three that I’ve have the great pleasure of coming to know her well. Indeed, as others on this page have similarly expressed, she became a second mother to me, and frequently we would bounce ideas off each other, listen to each other’s concerns, console each other, and offer each other advice. It was a great privilege to count Gloria not only as a very close and dear friend, but as a trusted confidante. It’s also been a great privilege to enjoy friendship with Gloria’s family, for whom I hold the greatest respect and affection. Gloria loved to talk about her experiences on set with Anthony, and even now, I cannot help but recall her stories from the filming of «Ripley» as I walk through such Roman locations as Piazza Mattei with its iconic «Fontana delle Tartarughe», or Piazza Navona. Piazza di Spagna holds the happiest thoughts, as I recall Gloria telling me about the faux cafe-bar, and the lady who held up that day’s filming, insisting she was meeting a friend in that very bar. Although the delay had a huge financial implication, Anthony went over to the somewhat irascible lady, and with patience and kindness, gently convinced her that the bar was merely a film set, and that whilst she must be mistaken, he was delighted the set looked so real to her. When Gloria first told me that story, she ended it, with a tear in her eye, and said after an intake of breath, «That, was my Anthony!»
Well, sadly, now we say, «This, was our Gloria!» But the past tense is only grammatically true. For Gloria still lives in our hearts, and for those of us who share Gloria’s faith and hope in the profound and inexhaustible love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus — being now fully in the presence of the Lord whom she served so faithfully in life — she is closer to us now than ever before. In St Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says this to all who love God and their neighbours: «‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these little ones, you did it to me.’» Gloria did all these things, and far more, and she asked nothing in return save that people should love and value each other.
In my role as Capo Choirmaster at the College, I count a number of eminent predecessors: Vittoria and Palestrina, for example. However, in tribute, I turn to the slightly less well-known Domenico Massenzio, who was Rector Chori (Maestro della Cappella) here at the English College between 1624-6, and who wrote this beautiful setting of the Marian antiphon for Lent, «Ave Regina Caelorum» (see the link below). In a loose translation — it has to be said — it contains the line, «to whom the angels pay homage». May those same angels, having led Gloria into paradise, pay her the same homage which we do ourselves, here on earth, and will continue to do so until we meet again.
Salve, Gloria, o benignus domina, in paradisum deducant te Angeli; in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem. O Gloria, chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem. Amen!
C’est avec une profonde tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de Gloria.
Gloria était une Grande Dame qui a dû et su faire face, comme vous tous, à d’immenses moments de bonheur et de terribles malheurs comme il en arrive rarement avec une telle force dans une même famille.
Gloria était une femme très courageuse, pour moi un exemple, un modèle.
Même si nous nous étions assez peu rencontrées, j’avais (j’ai) une immense affection pour elle et pour vous tous que je connaissais un peu grâce à elle.
Daniel et les enfants se joignent à moi pour vous présenter nos plus sincères condoléances.
Oh what sad news. A truly wonderful lady and so full of warmth, class and love.
All our love to Eddie and their beautiful children. You will all need to look after Dad now, he will be so lonely without his beloved Gloria.
I will come and see you when I get back to the UK but unfortunately I can’t be there for the Funeral. I imagine IOW’s finest will all want to say goodbye to their “Queen Mum”.
It was a joy and privilege to know you over so many years, and to have you share some fun and poignant moments of our lives. You will live on as an inspiration to so many. God bless… you’ve earned a rest!
Anita, Xanthe and Simon x
I met Gloria just over 10 years ago, around Anthony’s release of Cold Mountain, and felt that instant hit of genuine warmth she exuded; it was enveloping. She was the most wonderful lady, strong and brave and gracious, and I am so very glad I came to count her as a friend. My heart goes out to Eddie and the whole family at such an acutely sad time. RIP lovely Gloria. XXX
A fantastic Lady… I remember her at the Ryde carnival collecting pennies.. my Son put a few in a tin and she gave him sweets..he was so pleased. My Mum, Gillian James used to work at Mingellas café and I fondly remember going in there with Mum for sugar ring doughnuts and a knickerbocker glory! She told me she used to look after Anthony when he was a baby.. sadly my mum died too in January this year… Gloria touched many lives… many lives touched hers..God bless x
So very very sorry for your loss. I spoke to my mum today, Thelma Arcari, Gloria’ s 1st cousin. My mum only met Gloria a couple of times but recalls what a truly lovely person she was, very welcoming and kind. A beautiful spirit now at rest.
I was once told that ‘the most precious thing you can give someone is your time’ Aunty Gloria made the time and in doing so made a difference to many people’s lives. She was a lady who inspired and oozed goodness. My fondest memory is at a family gathering where she played the accordion with Aunty Betty. It was played was such feeling, passion and enthusiasm just how she played out life.
RIP Aunty X
We are so proud of our beautiful Auntie Gloria and so grateful for her love and inspiration.
Dearest Uncle Eddie, Gioia, Edana, Loretta and Dom our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Take comfort that the love you have shared as a family can never die.
God bless all of you.
Ron, Joe, Gianna & Martin xxxx
From a personal point of view I feel my life enriched by having known such a lovely person. Our delight at the Theatre when Gloria agreed to be a patron was enormous and although this has only been for a short period of time, for the Theatre to have been associated with such a wonderful lady and person is something we will always be so proud.
God bless x
My deepest sympathy to the family of Gloria Minghella. I came to know about Gloria through my cousins Lina and Mike DiCarlo who visited her on their trips from the U.S. From their stories, I always envisioned her as a sainted soul and having read some of the words of sympathy along with memories from her friends and loved ones, I am convinced that she was indeed a truly sainted person. It is my loss that I did not know her personally. My prayers are with her family who are blessed with her genes.
Edie Castrechini
I am writing on behalf of my mother Sylvia Dimambro – a much loved cousin of Gloria who was so very special and extremely kind to my mother. Gloria has had an amazing life, touched so many people and
an inspiration to so many.
May Gloria rest in peace
With fondest love always
We were so sad to hear of Gloria’s passing. Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with Ed and the rest of the family. Gloria will be sadly missed by all who knew her. She was one of the warmest and most generous souls we have ever met. Nigel and Sue Gee, Wootton Bridge
Dominic, What an unbelievably poignant film the life of your Mom among the people of Ryde and her widespread influence would make. She was beloved by so many. Edie Castrechini
Our deepest condolences to Eddie and the whole family.
Gloria was a lovely lady, who will be remembered by everyone lucky enough to have met her.
She was one of life’s amazing people, full of verve, and energy and determination. She’ll be a loss to the Isle of Wight as well to all her charities, and most of all to you and your family.
Much love to you all,
My deepest condolences to the whole family. One of my very earliest memories is going up to the factory to visit Gloria with Aunty and I cherise those memories greatly. Gloria was one of the most wonderfully caring, loving and above all generous people that I have ever met and will indeed be missed greatly. xxx
Offering Eddie and his family our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved wife and mother. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Ernesto, Sheila and family.
Many happy memories of times spent in the Minghella home back in the late 70s – not just the food! Not many women would have handed their daughter’s scruffy, 19 year old boyfriend the keys to her fairly new, bright red VW Scirrocco, to run an errand for the family. Mrs M – you are much missed. Andy x
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
It’s clear from everything I know or have heard about Gloria Minghella that she completely proves John Donne’s words. She joined her life so generously to others, creating loving, enduring connections that go further than any geographical boundary. Apologies for these late condolences – I’ve only recently heard the news but would still like to record sincerest sympathy. From a former classmate of Edana’s.