Doc Martin Fans

Just a note to thank all the Doc Martin fans who send me lovely messages and letters from around the world.

The irascible doctor has made me so many wonderful friends; thank you for taking the trouble to let me know you’re enjoying him and the whole Portwenn world. It really does make a difference to hear directly from the viewer.

Below is one recently received.  (To the sender: since your letter is anonymous, I hope you don’t mind me sharing it.  And I’m glad to tell you that – although I no longer work on the show – there is another UK series in the pipeline.)


3 thoughts on “Doc Martin Fans

  1. I’m another American who wholeheartedly concurs with the above letter. Can’t wait for series 7 and devoutly hope the series will continue as I think the interaction of a toddler with the Doc would have so many plot lines that would be hilarious (and/or very emotional too, considering his relationship with his own parents). Americans simply cannot do this kind of television well. I’m trying to find a copy of the soundtrack to the 1st movie. That is such a beautiful and haunting song. Thanks for writing and helping to develop such an intriguing series, and even if you aren’t associated with it now, you helped ‘birth the bones’ as it were. Best of luck in whatever you are doing now.

  2. I live in Detroit Michigan USA. I absolutely love this show it’s funny, clean and just a good movie don’t stop the series.

  3. Hi, my name is Jackie. I’m an American living in sunny California. Thank you so much for your contribution to the Doc Martin television series. I first came upon the Doc Martin Series at my public library.
    In 2013 I had viewed almost every DVD that was available in the library. I remember reluctantly checking out this unfamiliar British comedy. You see I was never interested in British anything. Well, a long story short, after viewing Doc Martin for the first time I was hooked. The story line of Doc Martin is so captivating, and the scenery is breathtakingly stunning.
    I realize you are no longer the producer on the Doc Martin staff, but I was hoping that you could possibly pass this request on to the current producers on the show regarding Louisa’s brother who was mentioned a few times in the earlier episodes. Could there be a storyline about Louisa brother?

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