Bob Hargrave

My friend, the philosopher Bob Hargrave, died on Friday 17 August, 2012, aged 63.

Bob taught philosophy in a number of Oxford colleges, most recently Balliol. His was possibly the finest mind of our times.

And I loved him.

There is so much to say about Bob that I don’t know where to start. Perhaps later, when the grief is less keen.

Meanwhile, I send my condolences to his sisters and his family, to his colleagues and the generations of students who were lucky enough to be taught by him, and to all who loved him.

And here’s a photo of him on the portico last summer. It tickled him, so it seems appropriate. “At last,” he said, “I’ve found someone congenial to talk to.”

Philosophical Dialogues

** Update 5 Feb 2016: this page is currently being viewed at the rate of 5,400 views per annum.  Not hits.  Real views.  That – in a very real sense – is remarkable. **

11 thoughts on “Bob Hargrave

  1. I’m so curious about him… and sad for him.
    The finest mind of our times… we need them.
    And your picture and the comment says the true about the huge people… sometimes alone.

  2. Thanks Sally. I hadn’t seen the blogspot page and am so glad you pointed me there. I loved your entry! (For a moment I was right there, next to Bob – in a very real sense!) And the photos are wonderful. I will try to add some in due course. I must have some going back to the 1980s.
    Best wishes

  3. Dominic,

    When The H-H’s G to Philosophy was first filmed Bob sent me a copy on VHS tape. That tape also includes footage of him teaching a class in what looks like the (former) Philosophy sub-Faculty building in Merton Street – though it might be elsewhere.

    That footage, which perhaps shows Bob’s more usual teaching style, would be a fine complement to the H-H G. I can probably get a DVD from the VHS tape but the quality will not be good. Were it possible to get a better transfer from U-matic tape I am sure that many people would like to see it. When I spoke about it to Susan she did not recall having seen it.

  4. Thanks Ian.

    I don’t remember that footage, and I wouldn’t be surprised if yours is the only surviving copy. It would be wonderful to see, in any quality.

    I wore Bob’s Bridge Club cuff-links on Friday. So touched to have them.


  5. Pingback: How To Fail Philosophy Exams | Daily Nous

  6. I was wondering if anything ever came of Ian Morton’s suggestion of digitizing his tape of Bob teaching. Would be great if there was more footage of Bob out there to remember him by!

  7. Hello James,

    The footage of Bob teaching turned out to be mine, made at the same time as the piece on miracles, and containing the same material in class form. I have the original tapes… somewhere! When Ian Morton kindly forwarded his copy to me, it came with a note suggesting that Bob’s sisters weren’t keen to see it on the internet. I’ll mention it to them at some point but for now I think it best not to share it. For what it’s worth, if you’ve seen the miracles film, the class on the same subject doesn’t add much – except to see Bob’s patience with daft questions from students!

  8. Hi Dominic,

    Thanks for your response. That is completely understandable, and I was fortunate enough to have received Bob’s lecture on miracles.

    I am currently working on digging Bob’s BPhil thesis out of the Bodleian – I will let you know how that goes!

    All best wishes.

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