5 tests for Brexit

Yesterday, in a style oddly reminiscent of Gordon Brown, Prime Minister Theresa May set out five tests for a Brexit deal:

  1. It must respect the referendum result.
  2. It must be a lasting accord.
  3. It must protect jobs and security.
  4. It must be “consistent with the type of country we want to be as we leave: a modern, open, outward-looking, tolerant European democracy”.
  5. It must strengthen “our union of our nations and our people”.


Here are the tests she should have set (with thanks to Sam Lowe @SamuelMarcLowe):

  1. Does it keep the Irish border invisible?
  2. Does it leave us better off, or worse off, than if we had remained?
  3. Does it strengthen, or weaken, our international standing?
  4. Does it leave people free to work and live where they like across a continent?
  5. Does it fix the problems we face?


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